Each year since 1980, the French Tennis Federation has sought to create a link between the contemporary art world with the ultra-competitive professional Tennis world by entrusting the creation of the tournament poster to a selected artist. As each edition of the tournament commences, a French or foreign artist submits a specially-created piece that embodies and captures the history, colours and drama of Roland-Garros. To coincide with this year's French Open, Norse Projects invites you to view a selection of our favourites throughout the years including this year's iteration from the figurative painter, Jean Claracq.
Each year since 1980, the French Tennis Federation has sought to create a link between the contemporary art world with the ultra-competitive professional Tennis world by entrusting the creation of the tournament poster to a selected artist. As each edition of the tournament commences, a French or foreign artist submits a specially-created piece that embodies and captures the history, colours and drama of Roland-Garros. To coincide with this year's French Open, Norse Projects invites you to view a selection of our favourites throughout the years including this year's iteration from the figurative painter, Jean Claracq.